Synopses & Reviews
The latest volume in the RIEAeuropa concepts series, Seeing Things is a monograph on the experimental architecture of Sotirios Kotoulis. In it Kotoulis records the process of fabricating an architecture derived from the unseen. For example, invisible substances entering the Arctic Circle confront the body establishing a scalar threshold with the celestial. This is not an inhabitable site-specific architecture, but one that is translatable, a numerical transference outside the material realm of building an architecture about architecture.
The latest volume in the RIEAeuropa concepts series,
The experimental and partly realized work of Sotirius Kotoulas, an architect living in New York City, has often attracted attention in the USA, being written about and awarded prizes. He is, however, less well known in Eurpoe. He is presently working on a design for a house in Seriphos, Greece. Lebbeus Woods on Kotoulas' work: "... This is not an inhabitable site-specific architecture but one that is translatable, a numerical transference outside the material realm of building as an architecture about architecture."
The experimental and partly realized work of Sotirius Kotoulas, an architect living in New York City, has often attracted attention in the USA, being written about and awarded prizes. He is, however, less well known in Eurpoe. He is presently working on a design for a house in Seriphos, Greece. Lebbeus Woods on Kotoulasb work: bb& This is not an inhabitable site-specific architecture but one that is translatable, a numerical transference outside the material realm of building as an architecture about architecture.b
About the Author
SOTIRIOS KOTOULAS, born in Winnipeg Canada, educated in Architecture at The Cooper Union (1998-2003). He received the Abraham E. Kazan award for Urban Design Studies. He designed and followed the construction of a house for his family in Winnipeg (1996-2001). His work has been published in several architectural journals and broadcast on the CBC. His Forum House proposal with John Shimkus received the Prix du Public from the City Crossings competition. He is currently designing a house on the island of Seriphos, Greece. He lives in New York City.