Synopses & Reviews
"A brief, rhythmic text printed in different styles and varied with playful onomatopoeia recalls the humor and cadences of a great jazz musician....The equally evocative art is rendered in rough charcoal with watercolors added. Like Polacco, Raschka uses a vigorous line and angular perspectives to give his figures extraordinary energy." Kirkus Reviews
"Raschka has created a memorable tribute to jazz great Charlie Parker in this rhymic, syncopated, compelling, funny celebration of a man and a musical form. The brief text sings and swings and skips along, practically of its own volition, while the pictures add humor and just the right amount of jazziness to the mix. One of the most innovative picture books of recent times." Horn Book
"Regardless of whether they've heard of jazz or Charlie Parker, young readers will bop to the pulsating beat of this sassy picture book....Even the typeface joins in the fun, as italics and boldface strut and swing across the pages. Those in the know will enjoy the inside jokes (the pages, for example, are decorated with birds, after Parker's nickname); young and old alike will find this a read-aloud that's hard to resist. And that's no jive. Ages 3-6." Publishers Weekly
Ever hear of Charlie Parker? The great jazz saxophone player? If you have or if you haven't, it's okay. Look at this board book and you'll hear Charlie Parker; you'll hear music in your mind. Be bop. Fisk, fisk. Lollipop. Boomba, boomba. Look. That's Charlie swinging and spinning all over the pages. And that's Charlie's cat, waiting, waiting for him to come home...
About the Author
Chris Raschka is the Caldecott Award-winning illustrator of A BALL FOR DAISY and THE HELLO, GOODBYE WINDOW. He is also the illustrator of YO! YES? (which won a Caldecott Honor), SOURPUSS AND SWEETIE PIE, CHARLIE PARKER PLAYED BE BOP, and FARMY FARM. He lives with his wife and son in New York City.