Synopses & Reviews
- Q&A Course Review
- NCLEX(R) prep
Pediatrics made manageable.
Assure your mastery of pediatric nursing knowledge while improving your critical-thinking and test-taking skills.
Over 950 NCLEX(R)-style questions on pediatrics and growth and development reflect the latest test plan, including the more difficult SATA format. Rationales for correct and incorrect responses as well as test-taking tips help you to critically analyze the question types. Together, with a comprehensive exam at the end of the book, they provide the practice you need to build your confidence for course exams and the NCLEX.
BONUS FREE, 30-day access to Davis Edge NCLEX-RN(R) included with purchase of a new print book. This online Q&A platform lets you create practice quizzes with more than 10,000 NCLEX-style questions; review proven test-taking strategies; and prepare for the biggest test of your career with simulated NCLEX exams.
- Updated Content reflects the content and format of the latest NCLEX-RN(R) Test Plan
- Expanded More alternative-format questions, including select all that apply (SATA, ) fill-in-the-blank, ordered response, chart/exhibit, and graphic questions
- New Introduction to Next Gen NCLEX and clinical judgment questions
- FREE 30-Day Access to Davis Edge for NCLEX(R)-RN
Test yourself with 10,000+ challenging questions; review proven test-taking strategies; and prepare for the biggest test of your career with simulated NCLEX exams. (Free with purchase of a new print book.)
- Over 950 questions in all with test-taking tips and rationales for both correct and incorrect responses
- An easy-to-follow format organized by body system with a comprehensive final exam at the end of each chapter that assesses mastery of content areas and disease processes
- A 100-question comprehensive final exam at the end of the book that mirrors the actual NCLEX
- Application and analysis level questions--just like the exam
- Keywords and abbreviations in all Q&A chapters.
- All questions field tested by nursing students.
- Training in the RACE model, a methodical approach to critically analyzing a test question and improving the chances of selecting the correct answer.
- Glossary of English Words Commonly Encountered on Nursing Examinations at the end of the book