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Every year, the booksellers at Powell’s submit their Top Fives: their five favorite books that were released in 2023. It’s a list that, when put together, shows just how varied and interesting the book tastes of Powell’s booksellers are. I highly recommend digging into the recommendations — we would never lead you astray — but today...
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Ben Rawlence
, January 24, 2024
I really enjoyed this book. You not only get to learn about these northern edges of forest, but also the people who call those places home.
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Brief Answers to the Big Questions
Stephen Hawking
, November 28, 2018
I was lucky enough to win a copy of this from Goodreads. The idea of this book is great with a short complex question answered by 20 pages or so of thought. Stephen Hawking was a true treasure and getting a glimpse at his mind was a great gift.
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H Is For Hawk
Helen Macdonald
, July 26, 2018
This was a great combination of memoir and nature journal. The way Helen writes is beautiful and her experiences are filled with her emotions as she copes with the loss of her father.
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Andy Weir
, February 14, 2018
I loved the Martian and new I had to read this book. Artemis is more of a fun read with less science and more action mystery. There is still science and nerdy good times. I do feel this book was intended to draw in new readers after Weir's fame without tying them down with to much science knowledge. I would still suggest reading this just expect more fun and less thriller.
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Dan Brown
, February 14, 2018
really more of a 3.5. This was still a fun read and I really enjoyed the idea of our true origin and the debate with the church. My problems with the book come from Brown striping Langdon of what he does best. There is almost no need for langdon to decript clues from almost nothing. Along with as always a Female costar langdon has the help of a super computer giving him answers before he even has the question. There are some interesting twists as always in a Dan Brown novel.
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The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration Into the Wonder of Consciousness
Sy Montgomery
, February 14, 2018
An interesting look into the world of the octopus. Delivered as a memoir of Sy's time with multiple octopuses at various major aquariums. the idea of petting an octopus never seemed so normal. The delivery of information with out feeling too over the head of anyone that isnt an oceanographer.
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My Favorite Thing Is Monsters
Emil Ferris
, February 14, 2018
This book is simply beautiful. Fully illustrated with ball point pen. I would have enjoyed the book on the art alone, but the story is very well thought out as well. A not so traditional story of growing up and dealing with all the things that come along the way. For any graphic novel reader, but I also think this is the perfect gateway for those who dont normally consider graphic novels
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Chalk Man
C J Tudor
, February 14, 2018
I was luck enough to win a copy of this from goodreads. The book is a fun light thriller. The story bounces between 12 year olds in 1986 and their older selves in 2016. I felt that the kids were better written than the 42 year olds that acted more like late twenties. There are a few interesting twists to keep you on your toes as well.
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Six Seasons: A New Way With Vegetables
Joshua McFadden and Martha Holmberg
, October 19, 2017
I initially checked this out from the library quickly realizing that just wouldn't do I purchased a copy. There are a great variety of vegetable focused recipies. While the recipes focus on vegitables this book is not vegitarian, but would work well for veg and meat eaters alike. It is broken up into 6 seasons based on what is fresh during those times which I love.
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Sleeping Giants Themis Files Book 1
Sylvain Neuvel
, October 19, 2017
A unique take in the sci-fi world. Written via a series of interviews involving a undercover government project. At moments tense and thrilling other times complex and discovery driven. I am really looking forward to the rest of this series.
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The Genius of Birds
Jennifer Ackerman
, October 19, 2017
A very interesting read. Filled with interesting facts and theories. I appreciate the way the book was broken up into catefgories(technical, vocal, spacial, adabtability.. etc). I would suggest this to anyone with an interest in nature or the unique lives of animals.
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The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit
Michael Finkel
, April 07, 2017
This was a very interesting trip into the mind of a "hermit". Christopher doesn't seem to agree with the label. I found the most intriguing parts where you get to see Christopher's ideas about modern society. His ability to make it through all of the seasons with Maine's extreme temperatures is very impressive. Highly suggest this quick read. -
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Handmade Life A Companion to Modern Crafting
Ramona Barry, Rebecca Jobson
, October 25, 2016
I was lucky enough to receive this book from Goodreads. This collection is essentially an encyclopedia of crafting. Any material or type of craft is in this book. Each section is broken down into a brief description, tutorials, and examples of modern artist in each craft. Real great source of inspiration and exploration for any crafter novice to expert.
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Marrow Island
Alexis M. Smith
, September 27, 2016
I really enjoyed this book, but feel the jacket description is not a great synopsis of the book. The Earthquake is a secondary character and the book could nearly exist with out it. It is a great story of some one who has returned to their childhood home to find it unfamiliar. The commune on a nearby island is a result of the earthquake, but doesn't need to have been. I suggest this book, but it is not the dystopian tale I presumed from the description.
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PHO Cookbook Easy to Adventurous Recipes for Vietnams Favorite Soup & Noodles
Andrea Nguyen
, July 26, 2016
I personally need photos to have a truly great cookbook and this book delivers. Great photos and layout design. The depth of knowledge is great with over 40 pages of history and ingredient information before you even get to the recipes. Such a great resource for any Pho fan out there.
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Bucky F*cking Dent
David Duchovny
, July 08, 2016
Duchovny brings out his best Moody. The story is full of humor and heart break following A man and his ill/stubborn father. I really enjoyed the flow of this book and the wandering mind prose the skip you through this journey.
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Tokyo Ghost Volume 01
Rick Remender
, May 06, 2016
I was looking forward to this comic I received from GoodReads. The art is amazing. The collection is worth getting for the art alone. The story is an interesting take on a dystopian, media overloaded world. As most first arcs in a comic series this set up back story for the series. I am interested to see where it goes from here.
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Power Greens Cookbook 140 Delicious Superfood Recipes
Dana Jacobi
, May 06, 2016
I was excited to receive this book from GoodReads. The book is full of delicious and interesting ways to incorporate greens into your diet. I am a very visual person so the quality of photos in cookbooks can make or break a cook book for me. This book does not disappoint with the photos. If you have ever thought you would never drool over greens this book will change your attitude.
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In a Dark, Dark Wood
Ruth Ware
, April 28, 2016
I thought this would be more intense or dark, but right as it starts to pull you in(over halfway through the book) they throw in a twist. I am fine with and actually would say a fan of twists, but I dont feel this helped the story. All in all its a fun quick read.
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Pacific Northwest Foraging: 120 Wild and Flavorful Edibles from Alaska Blueberries to Wild Filberts
Douglas Deur
, April 28, 2016
Great quality pictures and simple, but well written definitions make this a great guide. A good starting point for any one with an interest in foraging
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11 22 63
Stephen King, Scribner
, October 06, 2015
I think it would be hard to write a proper review of this with out any spoilers so I'll be brief. An interesting idea taken in ways only King could do. A good book that may take a little to long repeating information, but all together worth the ride.
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Toro Bravo: Stories. Recipes. No Bull.
Crain, Liz and Gorham, John and Reamer, David
, October 06, 2015
This is a great book for any Toro Bravo fan. Filled with stories and recipes. For my taste I would have preferred a few more recipes and a few less stories, but this is still a great book
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Smoke and Pickles
Edward Lee
, October 06, 2015
Ed's great combinations of comfort food with an Asian twist are all mouth watering. The recipes are well written and the photos lead to uncontrollable drooling. This book also holds up to its title with many interesting pickling recipes. The molasses pickled garlic is waiting in my fridge as we speak. Also many smokey meaty dishes. SO many things this book does and gets right.
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Ready Player One
Ernest Cline
, August 27, 2015
A fun read. Great for a reader of any age. Nostalgia, action, problem solving, distopia what more can you ask for.
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Alan Turing the Enigma
Andrew Hodges
, August 27, 2015
A great in depth telling of an interesting man. His thought process and problem solving was truly unique. The only thin that stops me from giving this a 5 is I feel it goes to in depth in some areas and they can kind of drag on.
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Pok Pok: Food and Stories from the Streets, Homes, and Roadside Restaurants of Thailand
Andy Ricker and Jj Goode and David Thompson
, July 10, 2015
Pok Pok is full of great recipes and stories. Perfect for any one who can't actually make it to pok pok or who just want to cook with the great depth of flavors that Andy does. Having made a dozen dishes for this book they have all been great. Hope you like it spicy, but making it on your own also allows you to cut back on some of the spice if that isn't your cup of tea.
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Casa Moro
Samuel Clark and Sam Clark
, July 10, 2015
All three moro cookbooks are drool worthy, but Casa is my favorite. With their amazing recipes geared toward what they like to serve family and friends at home. The recipes are written to be easily followed and the photos show of the rustic, unique, delicious food almost to well.
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The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
Elizabeth Kolbert
, July 10, 2015
A Great read. Anyone with any interest in our planet and its future will be engrossed by Elizabeth's research. She piles a ton of information on with out it feeling like a text book. Telling the past present and possibilities of the future you will be excited and disturbed by the information. I feel it helps you realize how much global change has already taken place and the devastation it has had on so many living things and what it could mean to our future.
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Magicians Book 1
Lev Grossman
, July 10, 2015
Part Harry Potter part Chronicles of Narnia. This fun book takes you through the years of magicians school and a good adventure post graduation. The only thing I found kind of odd about the book is the story feels like quality YA reading that adults can enjoy, but the inclusion of sex, drugs and depression makes it seem a little to heavy for some YA readers. If you are however slightly older YA or an adult it will keep you wonder what is up next for our adventurers.
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Station Eleven
Emily St John Mandel
, April 29, 2015
It is easy to get lost in this book. Emily does such a great job of tying the distopian present together with the character's past. The believable setting and circumstance that surrounds this tale all so well thought out. There are tense moments you can't stop reading and even times you cheer for the charecters after victories as small as finding everyday items that mean so much in their new world. My only complaint is I want more. I could have read much more of this book if it were there or another book following different characters in this same land.
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Saga: Deluxe Edition 1
Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples
, March 18, 2015
This is such a great series and the hardcover dose not disappoint. Collecting the first 3 trade paperbacks in one. This is the treatment Fiona Staples art deserves and such an attractive way to collect the early arcs of this story that will likely keep building for years to come. Great for any fan of the series or for any graphic novel fan that isn't familiar with saga yet(not sure if that's possible though)
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Asian Pickles Sweet Sour Salty Cured & Fermented Preserves from Korea Japan China India & Beyond
Karen Solomon
, March 18, 2015
This is a great book to have in your kitchen. The photos make you want to try everything. The sections are arranged by region which really helps the book flow as well. This book will help you ad flavor to any dish.
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The First Bad Man
Miranda July
, March 18, 2015
Miranda's one of a kind humor is all over this. If you are a fan of her other work I am sure you will enjoy this. However I found her dry, sad humor that I love read a little less effectively than in her films. Still though her abnormal chain of thoughts that seem so uniquely hers make Last Bad Man very entertaining.
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Annihilation (Southern Reach Trilogy #1)
Jeff Vandermeer
, March 03, 2015
This book will draw you in to a world that over takes the senses. A quick, but curious read these 200 pages will leave you wanting more. Good news this is the first of a trilogy. I have heard mix reviews of the trilogy as a whole, but as for the first book I am hooked. I need to know more about this land: what's going on, what will happen, how did it start, what will become of our narrator?
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Marcus Off Duty: The Recipes I Cook at Home
Samuelsson, Marcus
, February 18, 2015
This cookbook is as bright and vibrant as the man himself. Not only does it have mouth watering recipes, but so much more. There are little stories about his life and the people in it, there are playlists to cook by. Great photos and almost a scrapbook layout which may seem cluttered to some, but I feel it gives it even more of that unique Marcus style.
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Shake a New Perspective on Cocktails
Eric Prum, Josh Williams
, February 18, 2015
Not only are there great recipes in Shake it is attractive. The layout and photos make this book a joy to thumb through for anyone. It also seems to use a less is more take on the cocktails, you won't be intimidated by 15 ingredient recipes most have 4-6. Another favorite feature is the book is laid out by season which is great especially due to their use of fresh fruit and herbs through out.
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Edan Lepucki
, February 18, 2015
A great tale of a couple trying to get by in a post apocalyptic setting. Frida and Cal are just trying to do what is best for their future in a land of uncertainty. The way their idea of what that may be is ever changing and leads to tension in the relationship. Is it better on your own or in a community when you don't know who you can trust? Edan does a good job incorporating an ebb and flow of tense moments. There are moment where you as the read feel comfortable and safe and others where your heart is racing.
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House of Leaves
Mark Z. Danielewski
, February 09, 2015
One of my favorite books of all time although its hard to describe to some one. 3 stories intertwined all relying on the others. I am not a horror novel fan in general, but this story draws you in and your heart will race wondering what may be around the next turn. The navidson record alone would make for a good book, but the way the other two stories feed off it make this an amazing read. Years later it will have you saying "the house was bigger on the inside", while people look at you like your crazy.
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A Brief History of Seven Killings
Marlon James
, February 09, 2015
This large book is as big in rich characters and seep storytelling as it is in size. Reading the rasta slang made slow read at first, but it didn't take long to get past that. Each characters story could have been a book on its own, with the detail that was put into each. It was an intimidating book in size for a slow reader like myself, but once you were engulfed in Marlon's fictional nonfiction world it was hard to put down.
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The Martian
Andy Weir
, February 09, 2015
A man alone on mars how is this going to be exciting for over 300 pages. Every time you feel comfortable in a situation and think our man is going to be alright something comes out of no where in a very organic way. A mix of problem solving, fighting to stay alive, and a little I think I may be going crazy humor make this book hard to put down. You will find yourself lost in a world cheering and worried for our hero.
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