Synopses & Reviews
Are you Poor or Are you Rich? Who are you?It really doesn't matter what your religion is, or, for that matter if you believe in a deity. Not important.What is real is you. You are real.Your ideas are your own.Your true accomplishments are your own.Your demeanor is your own.Your thoughts are your own. (Others may have inspired your thoughts but, in the end, you are responsible for your thoughts).Your feelings are your own. (Others may have instigated your feelings, but, in the end, your feelings are your own).You can lie to yourself and you can lie to your friends;But...In the wee hours of the morning when you are all alone, your feelings of joy and your tears of disappointments are your own.In the end, your honesty and your integrity become your best friends.No more lies.You are exactly as you think you are.In the end, sooner or later, YOU must take a good and hard look at your thoughts, and you, and only you, must decide Who you are.Be still. be calm. RelaxListen to your heart. Analyze your thoughts.And, in your solitude, become your best self.Say... Feel... Think... and be...Affirm with conviction.I am.OTHER THOUGHTS OF MICRODAC: No. I have no idea who takes the time to read my rambling. I am just grateful to those who do. Today, I want to share a couple insights about money, what it is and what it does. Money is a common exchange. Its value is in what it does and as a yardstick for judging wealth. Rich people hoard money because it is what they do. Poor people hunger for money because it is what they do. In the end and when each is in the ground, the worms see not distinction. The caution here, though, is on how we feel about money. Our attitude towards money. That, the rich and the poor, controls totally: Our attitude. With me, I try my best not to envy the rich and their wealth. Collecting money is, in essence, no different that me collecting vases from thrift stores. I do what I do (As I suspect the rich does what he does) because I enjoy it; I enjoy shopping for a $2 vase. My joy is in the doing. So, envy like jealousy, I have found, is a total waste of time and energy. And, the results for the one who is envious or Jealous are the same. It is sort of like hating someone. When you hate someone, does the victim of your hate really cares? I doubt it, so, you occupy your soul with a feeling that is only hurting you. You compromise the growth of your enlightenment by a the useless feeling of hate. (Acting on hate, however, is another matter). Here's what I think when one lacks the wealth that is needed. One can either increase one's wealth or live with the constrains of the meager existence. Having had this experience, I know what I am talking about. It boils down to attitude and doing the best that you can.The common sense thing to do is to make your limited funds stretch in getting the things that you want. You use your ingenuity to acquire things of function rather than things of form. In other words, you get the best that you can afford, and not what you are told to get via marketing. For example (and this is a simple example): When you are a bit sluggish you know what to do: You drink two glasses of room-temperature (or warm water) followed by a cup of coffee or tea. The result is almost immediate. OR, you can purchase Polyethylene Glycol for about $20 - the same result. The question is this: What is the VALUE of $20 to you? Think about that when you think of money in terms of its use.Here's a suggestion: Use your imagination to make the best use of your money.Be creative and network. If having your own business is your goal. Then use what is offered and create your own empire.Please read this in jest. Read as if just one sentence will trip the imagination and an idea will be born; one that goes from the perception of being poor to the reallity of having all your needs met. And, of course, have fun with this. Enjoy the pictures.