Synopses & Reviews
Where would a library be without its student employees? In academic libraries, the number of student employees, in real numbers, often exceeds the number of regular staff. They assist users, shelve materials, and work as security staff; many perform very technical and demanding work, or provide the coverage needed for long hours of access to collections and services (both physical and virtual). Motivated by their appreciation for these unsung heroes, Baldwin and Barkley cover the basics of good supervision, with specific reference to student employees in libraries: how to hire, how to fire, and everything in between. An unparalleled compendium of facts, advice, and checklists.
"[C]overs everything you need to know about hiring and managing student workers, from writing job descriptions to complexities of student financial aid. The authors write plainly and succinctly, dealing with such time-consuming minefields as student behavioral problems with tact and understanding. A glossary of financial aid terms rounds out this essential handbook, which features many checklists, examples, and suggestions for further reading." - College & Research Libraries News
Everything a student employee would want a boss to know! A useful compendium of case studies, forms, best practices, and relevant legislation.
About the Author
DAVID A. BALDWIN is Professor and Associate Dean for Reference and Instruction at Parks Library, Iowa State University.DANIEL C. BARKLEY is Coordinator of Government Information/Microforms at Zimmerman Library, University of New Mexico.