Synopses & Reviews
The future of deconstruction lies in the ability of its practitioners to mobilise the tropes and interests of Derrida's texts into new spaces and creative readings. In Deconstruction without Derrida, Martin McQuillan sets out to do just that, to continue the task of deconstructive reading both with and without Derrida.
The book's principal theme is an attention to instances of deconstruction other than or beyond Derrida and thus imagining a future for deconstruction after Derrida. This future is both the present of deconstruction and its past. The readings presented in this book address the expanded field of deconstruction in the work of Jean-Luc Nancy, Helene Cixous, Paul de Man, Harold Bloom, J. Hillis Miller, Judith Butler, Gayatri Spivak and Catherine Malabou. They also, necessarily, address Derrida's own readings of this work. McQuillan accounts for an experience of otherness in deconstruction that is, has been and always will be beyond Derrida, just as deconstruction remains forever tied to Derrida by an invisible, indestructible thread.
An entirely original approach to deconstruction from a leading academic in the field.
About the Author
Martin McQuillan is Professor of Literary Theory and Cultural Analysis and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Science at Kingston University, UK, and Co-Director of the London Graduate School.
Table of Contents
\ Introduction: Other Deconstructions: ‘
faut avenir' \ 1. Toucher I: The Problem with Self-Touching \ 2. Toucher
II: Keep Your Hands to Yourself, Jean-Luc Nancy \ 3. Deconstruction and
Globalization: The World According to Jean-Luc Nancy \ 4. The Secrets of Paul
de Man \ 5. ‘
Déjà Vieux': Derrida's
Late Conjuration of de Man \ 6. Is Deconstruction Really A Jewish Science? The
Derrida of Harold Bloom \ 7. New (Improved) French Feminisms: Reading Spivak Reading
Cixous \ 8. ‘Practical Deconstruction': a note on some notes by Judith Butler \
9. Modernity, Aesthetics and Community in Jacques Rancière and Paul de Man \ 10.
Extra Time and Death Penalties: the Terror of Slavoj žižek \ Notes \ Bibliography \ Index