Synopses & Reviews
Given the growing importance of essential oils and waxes, this volume deals with the analysis of a broad spectrum of these compounds from many plant origins. Commercial oils such as olive oil are analysed as are trees such as eucalyptus, mentha, cedar and juniper. In addition, analysis of spices, seasoning, seaweeds, perfumes, liquors and atmospheric monoterpene hydrocarbons are to be found in this book. The volatiles of flower and pollen may be of importance in attraction of bees and other insects to certain plants for pollination purposes; this topic is also discussed. Waxes, both in the soil and as leaf components are analysed and presented in such a way making this book valuable to scientists with varying interests worldwide.
This 12th volume of Modern Methods of Plant Analysis contains details of the analysis of essential oils from olive, thymus, tea, ginger, eucalyptus, garlic, mentha, cedar, juniper, as well as volatiles from spices, seasoning seaweeds, perfumes, liquores, and parts of the flower including pollen. Waxes in the soil conferring water repellency and leaf waxes are also included in this volume.