Synopses & Reviews
1. This book will make you ___.
(a) cooler
(b) sexier
(c) more likely to get into college
(d) poorer.
2. After reading this book you will receive a ___ on the SATs.
(a) B+
(b) notice informing you of your scores
(c) 88,000
(d) sneaking suspicion that you'll do pretty well.
3. When your friends see you with this book, they will exclaim:
(a) Nice shirt
(b) Why are you reading that book upside down?
(c) I want to marry you and bear your children (because you are reading that book).
(d) How did you get in here? I'm going to call the police if you don't leave.
4. While writing this book, the editors:
(a) worked collaboratively to foster an open, caring environment
(b) worked collaboratively to foster an openly spiteful environment
(c) kicked a puppy
(d) a and c.
5. Do you have $12.95?
If you answered yes to question 5, THE HARVARD LAMPOON'S GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS is for you.
Profusely sweating (and illustrated), only THE HARVARD LAMPOON'S TM GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS gives you:
-- SAT Tips for college-bound fetuses
-- Recommendation letters from teachers who hate you
-- Tips on where to go, from the Colorado School of Mining Technology to Bikini College to Harvard (Why would anyone not go to Bikini College?)
-- Dorm room pets -- goldfish or soul-less zombie manservant? (The answer may surprise you )
-- Advice on choosing a brand of fabric softener, a major, and a favorite lite FM radio station that makes you a winner...AND NOT MUCH MORE
"The Harvard Lampoon", the nation's oldest humor magazine, serves up its trademark brand of outrageous humor in this complete parody of America's college admissions.