Synopses & Reviews
This introductory textbook approaches the study of intercultural communication from the field of international studies, focusing on issues of power, conflict, cooperation, and diplomacy.
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About the Author
Houman A. Sadri is Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Central Florida, USA. An expert in foreign affairs, he has published several articles and books, including Revolutionary States: Leaders and Foreign Relations (Praeger, 1997). Dr. Sadri also serves as a consultant for the U.S. State Department, Department of Defense, and other agencies.
Madelyn Flammia is Associate Professor of English and the Coordinator of the Technical Communication Program at the University of Central Florida. Dr. Flammia has published many articles and led workshops for corporations on cultural sensitivity, technical communication, and intercultural communication.
Table of Contents
DedicationPrefacePART I: FOUNDATIONS OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN A GLOBAL SOCIETYIntroduction: Assessing Your Knowledge of Intercultural Communication1: The Significance of Intercultural Communication in a Global CommunityViews of our global communityWhat's the Difference Between Multicultural and Intercultural? What Is Intercultural Communication? Do We Live in a Global Society? Why Is Intercultural Communication Important? How Do We Study Intercultural Communication? The Role of Mindfulness in Intercultural CommunicationAn Overview of this BookReferences2: Core Concepts of Intercultural Communication in a Global CommunityDefining "Culture" Today Dominant Intercultural Communication Theories TodayThinking About Reality and Perception Identity and CommunicationThe Interplay of Personal and Group Identity Differing Perspectives and Communication Technology's ImpactThe Media's ImpactConsidering EthicsReferencesPART II: APPROACHES TO INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Introduction: History of the Study of Intercultural Communication The development of intercultural communication as a disciplineCross-cultural and diversity trainingThe Interdisciplinary Nature of the FieldContemporary Approaches to Studying Intercultural Communication3: Social Science and Interpretive ApproachesThe Social Science ApproachThe Interpretive ApproachReferences4: Critical and Dialectical ApproachesThe Critical ApproachThe Dialectical ApproachReferencesPART III: INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGIESIntroduction: Models of the Communication ProcessLinear Models of the Communication ProcessInteractive Models of the Communication ProcessTransactional Models of the Communication Process5: Verbal CommunicationBasics of