Synopses & Reviews
Seeking fruitfulness and not just productivity. Understanding how to make tough transitions in life. Looking at struggles not as problems to be solved, but as currents pushing us toward reliance on God. All this, and so much more, is found in the pages of this book. But the real genius of this book is this: that all of these lessons are embedded in the lives of two remarkable people, Carl and JoLynn Krause. They would be the first to tell you that it is their God who is remarkable. And that's true too But in them we discover a humility, honesty, transparency, and moldability into which God has delightfully poured the deep truths of what it means to serve him well and walk with him intimately.
Dr. Douglas Baker
Lead Pastor, Faith Community Church, Carlsbad CA
Adjunct Professor, Biola University
"I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was younger..". lyrics from the pop song writer/singer Rod Stewart. Through Carl and JoLynns' life story and ministry, principles are presented in this memoir that are so real and beneficial to all. You will laugh; you will cry; you will identify and be blessed. They have experienced trials from both sides... the ones in need of God's loving care and then equipped as the caregivers. Thanks and God's continued blessings to the Krauses for loving and assisting our family, and so many others around the world, to make our calling possible. Their care along with God's intervention has rescued those who were drowning and breathed life back into their ministries in very difficult places.
Sharon Jorgensen
Throughout the pages of this book, our dear friends, Carl and JoLynn, have authentically described a courageous life dedicated to serving Jesus through their years of ministry. They are both honest and playful despite life and decisions not always going as they had hoped. Their infectious faith shines through in every chapter.
Dr. Steve and Patti Cappa, former directors of Marble Retreat Steve currently is a professor at Colorado Christian University Patti currently has a counseling practice in Grand Junction, Colorado
I just finished reading Pain, Perseverance, and Privilege. It was delightful, very interesting, and inspiring. I believe it will help lots of God's special folk.
-Melissa McBurney Co-founder Marble
Retreat Marble, Colorado
Each in their own way, the authors share personal struggles and joys from their years of ministry. Their honesty and openness will encourage any ministry worker. The book gives insight into understanding the heart of those in full-time Christian work.
They share the humorous, the painful, and the joyful experiences in an honest and straightforward way. From the Man with the Tan Briefcase to My Dad Doesn't Work, you will enjoy the many experiences and laugh, cry, and be encouraged.