Synopses & Reviews
September 11th, 2001 remains a focal point of American consciousness, a site demanding ongoing excavation, a site at which to mark before and after "everything" changed. In ways both real and intangible the entire sequence of events of that day continues to resonate in an endlessly proliferating aftermath of meanings that continue to evolve. Presenting a collection of analyses by an international body of scholars that examines America's recent history, this book focuses on popular culture as a profound discursive site of anxiety and discussion about 9/11 and demystifies the day's events in order to contextualize them into a historically grounded series of narratives that recognizes the complex relations of a globalized world. Essays in Reframing 9/11 share a collective drive to encourage new and original approaches for understanding the issues both within and beyond the official political rhetoric of the events of the "The Global War on Terror" and issues of national security. >
A collection of analyses focusing on popular culture as a profound discu
The events of September 11th changed the world irreversibly, in ways that have reverberated throughout our cultural and media landscape. The War on Terror traces these reverberations through the medium of television, offering analyses of key programs and series that engage with, or are haunted by, the aftermath of September 11 and the “war on terror” that has followed. Individual chapters examine dramas representing the invasion of Iraq, such as Occupation and Generation Kill; war comedies, such as Gary, Tank Commander; documentaries such as the BBC Panorama’s coverage of the September 11th attacks; and September 11th in popular series such as CSI: New York. The book concludes with an extended reflection on contemporary docudrama and an interview with docudrama filmmaker Peter Kosminsky.
About the Author
Stephen Lacey is professor emeritus of drama, film and television at the University of South Wales, and the author of several books on UK television drama. He is an associate editor of Critical Studies and Television.Derek Paget is a visiting fellow at the University of Reading, an associate editor of Studies in Documentary Film, and an editorial board member of Studies in Theatre and Performance.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments Foreword: Reza AslanIntroduction: Jeff Birkenstein, Anna Froula, and Karen RandellSection One: (Re)Creating LanguageChapter One: Fear, Terrorism and Popular Culture, David L. AltheideChapter Two: The Aesthetics of Destruction: Contemporary US Cinema and TV Culture , Mathias NilgesChapter Three: 9/11, British Muslims, and Popular Literary Fiction, Sara UpstoneChapter Four: Left Behind in America: The Army of One at the End of History, Jonathan VincentChapter Five: 9/11, Manhood, Mourning, and the American Romance, John MeadChapter Six: An Early Broadside: The Far Right Raids Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, Jeff BirkensteinChapter Seven: The Sound of the "War on Terror", Corey K. CreekmurSection Two: Visions of War and TerrorChapter Eight: Avatars of Destruction: Cheerleading and Deconstructing the "War on Terror" in Video Games, David AnnandaleChapter Nine: The Land of the Dead and the Home of the Brave: Romero's vision of a Post 9/11 America, Terence McSweeneyChapter Ten: Superman is the Faultline: Fissures in the Monomythic Man of Steel, Alex EvansChapter Eleven: The Tools and Toys of (the) War (on Terror): Consumer Desire, Military Fetish and Regime Change in Batman Begins, Justine TohChapter Twelve: "It was like a movie": The impossibility of representation in Oliver Stone's World Trade Center (2006), Karen RandellChapter Thirteen: The Contemporary Politics of the Western Form: Bush, Saving Jessica Lynch, and Deadwood, Stacy TakacsSection Three: Prophetic NarrativesChapter Fourteen: Governing Fear in the Iron Cage of Rationalism: Terry Gilliam's Brazil through the 9/11 Looking Glass, David PriceChapter Fifteen: Cultural Anxiety, Moral Clarity and Willful Amnesia: Filming Philip K. Dick After 9/11, Lance RubinChapter Sixteen: Prolepsis and the "War on Terror": Zombie Pathology and the Culture of Fear in 28 Days Later..., Anna FroulaAfterword: John CaweltiNotes on ContributorsBibliographyIndex