Synopses & Reviews
Kids love music and rhymes; literacy often begins that way. Singing nursery and other rhymes, pairing the song with books is a proven way to begin reading instruction and it is fun! Primary teachers and their librarians love to play rhyming and singing games often accompanied by hand and body motions. Out of requests from teachers and librarians attending his workshops, Tony Fredericks presents this readers theatre book for young readers, grades 1-2, built on the songs and rhymes that they already love and know. Scripts built around such rhymes and songs as: The Itsy, Bitsy Spider, The Farmer in the Dell, Hush, Little Baby, If You're Happy and You Know It, and I'm a Little Teapot will encourage kids to read the scripts, all the while building reading fluency. As in Fredericks' other books for the beginning reader, this book furnishes presentation suggestions, rationale for using readers theatre, and readability information, as well as ideas for movement and dance. Grades 1-2.
"This resource involves students in reading and sharing poetry, and performing simple plays adapted from folktales. The content is simple and the short sentences make it user-friendly and age appropriate. Struggling readers will be motivated by these materials, and the practice of reading with a group and sharing text will help students increase reading fluency rates….[E]ach unit includes presentation suggestions, props, delivery, and Web sites where you can download the musical versions of each title….A useful volume for introducting readers theatre to elementary schools." - School Library Journal
Tony Fredericks presents this readers theatre book for young readers, grades 1-2, built on the songs and rhymes that they already love and know.
About the Author
ANTHONY D. FREDERICKS has written many books for Teacher Ideas Press. He is Professor of Education, York College, York, Pennsylvania, and the author of more than 50 teacher resource books as well as 20 award-winning children's books.
Table of Contents
What is Readers Theatre?
Readers Theatre &Fluency
What is the Value of Readers Theatre?
Readers Theatre and the Reading/Language Arts Standards
Presentation Suggestions
Preparing Scripts
Starting Out
Bonus Features
Musical Versions