Synopses & Reviews
- Dr. Young's most recent book, The pH Miracle for Diabetes (Warner, 0-446-53266-5, 7/04), has grossed over 30,000 hardcover copies to date. It will be published in trade paperback in 5/05 (see page 73).
- The author's first book, The pH Miracle (Warner, 0-446-52809-9, 2002), sold over 72,000 hardcover copies, and the trade edition (Warner; 0-446-69049-X, 5/03) has nearly 100,000 copies in print after six printings. It was featured on the cover of Woman's World magazine and on CBS's The Early Show.
- The pH Miracle For Weight Loss includes dramatic before-and-after photos of real-life success stories that are sure to inspire readers.
- Robert O. Young, Ph.D., is a nationally renowned microbiologist and nutritionist. He is the head of The pH Miracle Foundation. A member of the American Society of Microbiologists and the American Naturopathic Association, he speaks around the world on wellness issues, including diabetes, cancer, leukemia, and AIDS, as well as nutrition and general health and fitness.
Let's start with simple math. How many excess pounds do you need to shed to achieve your ideal, healthy weight-10, 30, 100? Whatever your answer, multiply it by two. You now have the Maximum number of days it will take you to reach your goal, if you follow... Despite what you may believe, weight loss is not about fat grams, cholesterol, carbs, or calories. It's all about acid.
According to Dr. Robert Young, renowned microbiologist and nutritionist, reaching your ideal weight is simply a matter of maintaining the delicate pH balance of the blood. In this latest entry in the successful pH Miracle series, Dr. Young and his wife, chef Shelley Redford Young, offer a simple 7-step lifestyle program to balance your body chemistry, change your shape, and slim down to your ideal body weight-naturally and permanently. Best of all, you'll be able to eliminate unnecessary fat cells forever.
From the science behind the plan to the dietary do's and don'ts (along with recipes), a detailed exercise plan, and dozens of dramatic real-life before-and-after photos, this program lays the groundwork for long-term success.
How drinking the right water can help you lose weight
Why you should ignore the fat phobes and keep plenty of healthy oils in your diet
Which common foods make your body more alkaline-and which ones make it more acidic
How exercise can actually make you fat-unless you do it the right way
The benefits of having your blood analyzed at the microscopic level
How you can build lean muscle and maintain healthy bones without loading up on proteins and dairy ... and much more
Weight loss is not about fat; it's about acid. So forget fat grams, cholesterol, carbs, and calories: reaching your ideal weight is simply a matter of maintaining the delicate pH balance of the blood. And with his 7-step diet and exercise plan, Dr. Young will help you change your shape and shed those pounds once and for all. How- ever many pounds you need to lose before you reach your ideal, healthy weight--10, 30, 100--multiply it by two. That's the maximum number of days it will take to reach your goal with the plan. This revolutionary program explains which foods will help you obtain the best results and how the right type of water can make a big difference. Including a specific exercise plan and menus with delicious recipes, readers will balance their body chemistry and lose those extra pounds for good.
About the Author
ROBERT O. YOUNG, Ph.D., and SHELLEY REDFORD YOUNG live in Valley Center, California.