Synopses & Reviews
UNDERSTANDABLE STATISTICS: CONCEPTS AND METHODS, 12th Edition, is a thorough yet accessible program designed to help students overcome their apprehensions about statistics and to master the subject. The authors provide clear guidance and informal advice while showing students the links between statistics and the world. To reinforce this approach, the book integrates real-life data from a variety of sources, including journals, periodicals, newspapers, and the Internet. The 12th Edition continues to address the importance of developing students' critical-thinking and statistical literacy skills through special features and exercises throughout the text. The P-value method of hypothesis testing is emphasized. The use of graphing calculators, Excel, Minitab, Minitab Express(TM), and SPSS is covered although not required. This new edition is now fully supported by two optional strong digital learning solutions, Enhanced WebAssign and MindTap Statistics. Built from the ground up with input from thousands of students and instructors, MindTap Statistics is the complete online course experience. It includes an online version of the book, lecture videos, side-by-side help, a pre-course assessment, and more
UNDERSTANDABLE STATISTICS: CONCEPTS AND METHODS, Twelfth Edition, is thorough, accessible, and designed to help you overcome �statistics anxiety� and master the subject. Clear guidance and informal advice help show you the links between statistics and the real world. Making the material interesting as well as easier to understand, the book integrates real-life data from a variety of sources, including journals, newspapers, and the Internet. Special features and exercises throughout the text let you develop your critical-thinking and statistical literacy skills, and interactive online resources offer you extra study assistance and tutorial support�including step-by-step video solutions�outside of class. The use of graphing calculators, Excel, Minitab, Minitab Express�, and SPSS is covered, although not required.