Synopses & Reviews
Global Christianity in Local Context and Muslim Encounter is a unique collection of essays in honour of David A. Kerr, well-known for his contributions in the areas of Christian-Muslim dialogue, Ecumenical Studies and Missions. With contributions from recognized experts in these fields, the book provides a platform for examining contemporary Christian-Muslim relations and critical issues facing twenty-first century Christianity. Volume 2 is a veritable Who's Who of renowned Christian and Muslim scholars that have shaped the course of Christian-Muslim dialogue over the last half century. Their contributions in this volume address contemporary and pivotal issues facing Christians and Muslims today, such as Islamophobia, Islamism, Religious Freedom, Inter-religious Challenges and Urbanism, Mission and Economic Globalisation, Suffering and Social Responsibility, and others.
Global Christianity in Local Context and Muslim Encounter is a unique collection of essays in honour of David A. Kerr, well-known for his contributions in the areas of Christian-Muslim dialogue, Ecumenical Studies and Missions. With contributions from recognized experts in these fields, the book provides a platform for examining contemporary Christian-Muslim relations and critical issues facing twenty-first century Christianity.
Volume 2 is a veritable Who's Who of renowned Christian and Muslim scholars that have shaped the course of Christian-Muslim dialogue over the last half century. Their contributions in this volume address contemporary and pivotal issues facing Christians and Muslims today, such as Islamophobia, Islamism, Religious Freedom, Inter-religious Challenges and Urbanism, Mission and Economic Globalisation, Suffering and Social Responsibility, and others.
Global Christianity in Local Context and Muslim Encounter is a unique collection of essays in honour of David A. Kerr, well-known for his contributions in the areas of Christian-Muslim dialogue, Ecumenical Studies and Missions. With contributions from recognized experts in these fields, the book provides a platform for examining contemporary Christian-Muslim relations and critical issues facing twenty-first century Christianity.
Volume 2 is a veritable Who's Who of renowned Christian and Muslim scholars that have shaped the course of Christian-Muslim dialogue over the last half century. Their contributions in this volume address contemporary and pivotal issues facing Christians and Muslims today, such as Islamophobia, Islamism, Religious Freedom, Inter-religious Challenges and Urbanism, Mission and Economic Globalisation, Suffering and Social Responsibility, and others.
Table of Contents
Part 1. Textual and Thematic Issues 1. Christian and Muslims in the Qur'an and Muslim Tradition, Mahmoud M. Ayoub (Temple University, USA) 2. Abrogation: Muslim and Christian, Christopher Lamb (formerly Inter-Faith Relations Advisor to the Church of England) 3. Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Africa, Sigvard von Sicard (University of Birmingham, UK) Part II. Issues Relating to Christian-Muslim History, Dialogue, and Pluralism 4. Dialogue and Religious Truth Claims in Christianity and Islam, Christian W. Troll (Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule St Georgen, Germany) 5. Christian Muslim Relations in Ethiopia: Lessons from the Past, Opportunities for the Future, F. Peter Ford, Jr. (Reformed Church in America) 6. Some Medieval Muslim Views of Constantinople, Carole Hillenbrand (University of Edinburgh, UK) 7. The Abrahamic Faiths in Their New Context, David B. Burrell (University of Notre Dame, USA) 8. Recent Developments in Christian-Muslim Relations, Hugh Goddard (University of Nottigham, UK) 9. Christians, Muslims and Religious Freedom: A Christian Perspective, David Marshall (Freelance Lecturer, UK) 10. Islam Hostage to Itself? Kenneth Cragg (Bishop, Jerusalem Archdiocese; University of Oxford, UK) 11. Europe and the Arab World in the 20th Century: Behind the Myths of the ‘West' and ‘Islam', Jørgen S. Nielsen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) 12. A Tale of Two Cities Revisited: Jerusalem, Medina and Justice in Today's Urban Centres, Anton Wessels (Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 13. Seeking to Overcome Islamophobia Through Education and Dialogue: Some Personal Experiences at the Selly Oak Colleges and at the WCC Related to the Early Work of Dr David Kerr, Dr John B. Taylor (International Association for Religious Freedom, Switzerland) 14. Re-forming American Views of Muslims: A View from the Trenches, Robert Hunt (Southern Methodist University, USA) 15. An Open Letter for Open Religions, Jacques Waardenburg (Professor Emeriuts, University of Lausanne, Switzerland) 16. Christian-Muslim Dialogue: Mirage or Destiny, Khurshid Ahmad (Institute of Policy Studies, Pakistan) 17. An Enduring Vision: The Study Centre at Selly Oak, C.T.R. Hewer (St Ethelburga Fellow in Christian-Muslim Relations, UK) Part III. Christian-Muslim Encounter in Local and Contemporary Contexts 18. For the Peace of the City: Bradford - A Case Study in Developing Inter-Community and Inter-Religious Telations, Philip Lewis (University of Bradford, UK) 19. The Central Role of Religion on Europe's Periphery: Christian-Muslim-Muslim Relations and State Viability in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Stephen R. Goodwin (Yeditepe University, Turkey) 20. Christians and Muslims in Denmark: Possibilities for Mutual Recognition, Safet Bektovic (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) 21. Debates on Jesus and Muhammad in Europe, India and Pakistan, Rev. Dr Jan Slomp (National Advisor for Relations with Islam, Reformed Churches of the Netherlands) 22. The Changing Face of Islamists in Sudan, Edward Riak Kajivora (Bible Society of Sudan) 23. Christian Muslim Relations in Contemporary Nigeria: A Contextual Approach, Akintunde E. Akinade (High Point University, USA) APPENDIX: Published works of David A. Kerr