"In a world still rife with patriarchal systems, nothing gives me that warm fuzzy feeling quite like reading stories that center feminine rage, revenge, and fully realized desires. I wanted to showcase stories that feature good, bad, and morally grey characters that have been treated badly and are ready to unabashedly fight back — with a satisfying conclusion of retribution and women taking back control of their narrative." — Bookseller Baylie B. "As a queer man who grew up in the hyper-masculine conservative south, women have protected me in enough ways to write books about. So you can bet that when women characters, wronged or not, seize power in terrible ways, I'm right there to cheer them on. In supporting women's rights, I have but no choice to also support women's wrongs (the kids at Carrie's prom had it coming, sorry)." — Bookseller Stacy W. Bonus inspiration for the display: "The fantastic subgenre of 'Good for Her' horror movies that have been arising in the last decade (if there were novelizations for Midsommar or Jennifer's Body, they would have been front and center)."
Duration: 95 ms, Number of Items: 34