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Q: As you can imagine, I've been flying through books this summer while trying to avoid the heat wave. I've been really digging anything semi-post-apocalyptic. I'm more than halfway through Megan Abbott's The Fever and loving it. I've also recently read The Girl with All the Gifts and loved that one as well. Know of any more recent books that fit this genre? – Kelle
A: The Well by Catherine Chanter, which came out in May, is well-written and post-apocalyptic. It includes a creepy/intriguing religious cult plus a rather heartbreaking mystery. It's worth checking out! – Jill
Paolo Bacigalupi's The Water Knife is a near-future look at what happens when the Southwest runs out of water. Bacigalupi is definitely worth checking out; his books are carefully plotted, well-written, and absorbing, and they contain just the right amount of biting social commentary. Stay cool and keep reading! – Mary Jo
Etiquette for an Apocalypse (published a few years ago) is not only post-apocalyptic but also set in Portland. It's as fun as the apocalypse gets! – Tom