Call: A cut on my son's knee from the rooster's talon who went after my son while he was taking out the compost tray.
Action: Told son to put some Betadine ointment on the cut and a Band-Aid.
Result: Compost tray is still on the porch and no one has taken it to the compost pile, and the chickens and the rooster are now eating it. The rooster is very polite, he lets the hens get their fill first, and then he steps in.
What my son does to me while we're jogging up our dirt road: Takes his Band-Aid off and sticks it to the back of my shirt.
What the streams are doing alongside the dirt road: Running high. More rains have come. Orange newts cross slowly in front of us, looking for higher ground.
What the dog does: Chases grouse far out ahead, where they rise up from the brush with a loud beating of their wings.
What my husband does: Helps a newt, the length of his thumb, cross the road before a car or ATV runs over it.
What we've been having more of lately: Cars and ATVs up our road. People want to see our washed-out flooded road. They like looking down over the side of the road to where the stream churns and is the color of slate from all the silt that was stirred up.
What the girls like doing: Playing in mud that was never there before, on sandbars that were never there before, beneath waterfalls that were never there before.
What we find in the stream: A seatless twisted bike, a shoe, a giant rusted saw blade, (to fit the kind of saw Dudley Do-Right had to save the damsel in distress from at the mill.)
What the husband says when we get home after jogging up the road, and then playing in the stream with the kids: That was like wading in the Mekong.
What the raccoon does: Jumps into the shower with me and plays with the stopper on the faucet.
What's left in the tub when I get out: Little raccoon paw prints and a line of silt that looks like magnet filings heading for the drain.
What the children say when they get home from school: We are sick of teachers asking us if we were traumatized by the flood. Can't we talk about something else?
What the husband says: Like what?
What our girl says: Like why do raisins float in