Click here for the first post.)
Here are the last two reasons why most people don't think they can garden. I hope you're convinced that you can grow your own food — but if you aren't, email us your concerns and we can add them to the list. Rest assured, we'll find a reason why SFG can overcome your challenges.
Reason 9. "I'll be moving and won't be around for the harvest."
No problem! Use planting boxes with bottoms and other containers. When the time comes to move, take your plants with you. New home = instant garden!
Reason 10. "I just don't want to garden."
It is easy to say that you won't like gardening or don't want to garden if you haven't ever tried. We are all really busy... but the good news is that, now more than ever, there are new tips and tricks for cutting the time spent on garden chores.
There is nothing like the experience of growing your own tomatoes, plucking one off the vine and popping it in your mouth while you stand out in the summer sun. Nothing else tastes like it... and when you grow it organically, you know that nothing has been added that is harmful to you or your family.
To learn more, please visit our website: squarefootgardening.com.